Established in 1925, it is a modern public university, one of the largest of that very type in Central Europe, focusing on research and teaching related to economics, management and social sciences. The CUE attaches particular importance to international academic and educational cooperation and to providing innovative solutions for enterprises.
The Members of the Department of Public Economic Law and Labour Law (that will be carrying out the activities within the project) focus their research and teaching activities on legal regulations related to broadly-understood enterprises, as well as on the issues connected with conducting business in Poland and in the EU (including especially the conducting of such activities by micro, small and medium-sized enterprises), on labour law as well as on intellectual property law. In addition, the CUE has the internal capacity and competence to properly manage the project itself and finances of the ESMERALD project, as it has internal quality control mechanisms and the use of the most appropriate management and financial reporting tools, as well as due to the fact that it adheres to the most stringent fiduciary rules for the management of public grants.